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21 bytes removidos ,  11h50min de 5 de janeiro de 2018
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|description = One of the most widely cultivated grains. Makes a great flour for breads and cakes.
|description = One of the most widely cultivated grains. Makes a great flour for breads and cakes.
'''Trigo''' é um [[Cultivo|cultivo]] [[Vegetais|vegetal]] que cresce a partir de [[Sementes de trigo]] depois de 4 dias. É necessário colher trigo com a [[Foice]].
'''Wheat''' is a [[Vegetables|vegetable]] [[Crops|crop]] that grows from [[Wheat Seeds]] after 4 days. A [[Scythe]] is required to harvest wheat.
Além de [[Cerveja]], os jogadores têm a habilidade de criar [[Farinha de trigo]] usando um [[Moinho]]. Uma vez colocado no moinho, um trigo fará uma farinha de trigo. A farinha de trigo aparecerá na caixa do lado direito do moinho na manhã seguinte.
In addition to [[Beer]], players have the ability to craft [[Wheat Flour]] from Wheat by using a [[Mill]]. Once placed in the mill, one wheat will make one wheat flour. Wheat flour will appear in the box on the right side of the mill the following morning.
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