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The Graveyard is located just to the west of the [[Mayor's Manor]]. There are 4 gravestones located
within its gates, only 3 of which have further information if you click on them.

== Gravestones ==
There are 4 gravestones within the roughly 300 square tiles that are the Graveyard.

=== Mona ===

The only gravestone with a name attributed to it, and it sits in the middle of the top 3 stones.
For some more info, read the [[Mona]] page.

=== Old and Faded ===

If you right click on the gravestone to the left of [[Mona]]'s, you'll get a message that says:
{{Quote|It's old and faded...|[[Media:Old_and_Faded.png|Old and Faded Gravestone]]}}

=== Dwarvish Headstone ===

After obtaining the [[Dwarvish Translation Guide]], if you click on the gravestone to the right
of [[Mona]]'s, you'll be able to read the following message:
{{Quote|You translate the dwarvish:

Stand between the pillars three

With gift as precious as the sky:

A rainbow forged from land, not sea

Then galaxies will heed your cry.|Dwarvish Headstone}}

=== Unknown ===

The stone that is the bottom left of the four is currently unclickable.


[[Category:Locais da Cidade]]



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