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  • 06h01min de 20 de julho de 2023 dif his 0 m MorangoBut I'll go back to 8 again, because the problem was that the other ways of contacting you didn't work, the email didn't appear for me. And I'll wait to see if my conclusion will remain the same. And who knows that maybe you will also see some really possible point of improvement. Mainly when comparing how the tables of fruit trees are being presented in comparison with the crops. atual
  • 02h45min de 20 de julho de 2023 dif his 0 m MorangoMargotbean, you reverted my edit. But I continue to argue that it can improve understanding. And the proof of this is the tables of the trees that present a separate quadrant for the day of Harvest. He being the 29th, after 28 days. Some are less good. I defend that the table of fruit trees is better to understand. Meanwhile this one, at least the strawberries, might be just as good. And from what I've seen, all the others are tending to follow the same pattern, right?
  • 02h40min de 19 de julho de 2023 dif his 0 m MorangoEu notei que na sessão Stages a Sexta Tabela da esqueda pra direita informa que no dia 8 a primeira colheita já pode ser feita. Mas se eu entendi bem, sem a Profissão Agricultor, e sem nenhum Fertilizante Solo Foliar, é no dia 9 que a primeira colheita pode ser feita. Até porque a sessão "Calendário de Crescimento de Lavoura" logo abaixo mostra justamente isso. Certo?