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Festivais são eventos especiais no Stardew Valley. Cada estação tem dois festivais. O prefeito Lewis lhe enviará uma carta com antecedência de cada festival, descrevendo quando e onde terá lugar. Participar de festivais é opcional. No dia do festival, um pop-up no lado esquerdo da tela permitirá que você saiba quando o festival começou. O tempo não passa durante um festival, então sinta-se livre para tomar seu tempo explorando e conversando! Quando um festival termina, você será devolvido à Fazenda tarde da noite.

Se é um dia festivo, os animais não precisam ser alimentados; O jogo automaticamente vai considerá-los alimentados.


Festival do Ovo

Main page: Festival do Ovo

O Festival dos Ovos acontece no dia 13 de cada Primavera. Você participa do festival entrando na praça de Pelican Town entre 9:00 e 14:00. Quando o festival terminar, você será devolvido à Fazenda às 22h.

A atração principal do Festival do Ovo é a Caçada aos Ovos. Você e os outros aldeões procuram por pequenos ovos coloridos escondidos em Pelican Town. A Caça ao Ovo começa falando com o Prefeito Lewis. Você deve coletar 9 ovos coloridos (em 50 segundos, tempo real), ou então Abigail ganhará. Se você ganhar, você receberá um Chapéu de palha como uma recompensa. Se você já ganhou uma caçada ao ovo em anos anteriores, você receberá data-sort-value=" 1000"> 1 000 ouros.

Há um estande montado onde você pode comprar um decorativo Coelho de Pelúcia e Sementes de Morango. (Se você plantar as sementes na mesma noite que o festival, você será capaz de colher Morangos duas vezes antes do Verão).

O festival termina depois que o prefeito Lewis anuncia o vencedor da caça ao ovo.

Dança das Flores

Main page: Dança das Flores

A Dança das Flores ocorre no dia 24 de cada Primavera. Você participa da dança entrando na Floresta Cindersap entre as 9:00 e as 14:00. Quando o festival terminar, você será devolvido à Fazenda às 22h.

A dança ocorre no extremo oeste da floresta, através da ponte que fica ao sul da Torre do Mágico. Esta área é acessível apenas durante a Dança da Flor.

Durante este festival, você pode dançar com um dos solteiros ou solteiras. Você deve falar com eles (duas vezes) e convidá-los para dançar, mas eles vão recusar, a menos que você tenha quatro corações de amizade com eles. Você pode conversar com os outros moradores e eles terão diálogo relacionado ao evento.

Dança irá aumentar a amizade com o seu parceiro por 1 coração (250 pontos).

Uma vez que você conversa com o prefeito Lewis, a dança começa. O festival termina depois que a dança é realizada.

Assista Vídeo da Dança das Flores.



Main page: Luau

The Luau takes place on the 11th of every Summer. You attend the Luau by entering The Beach between 9am and 2pm. When the Luau ends, you will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

Pierre does not sell items from a booth at the Luau.

A central feature of the Luau is the potluck soup. Villagers bring different ingredients to prepare this soup for the Governor, who tastes and judges it. The soup-tasting begins by talking to Mayor Lewis.

Depending upon what type of produce you supply for the soup, there will be different reactions from the Governor and Mayor Lewis. The outcome will increase or reduce friendship points with all villagers.

The Luau ends automatically after the Governor tastes the soup.

Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies

Main page: Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies

The Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies takes place on the 28th of every Summer. You enter the festival by entering The Beach between 10pm and 12am. When the festival ends, you will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

This festival does not have a booth.

During the festival, villagers gather at the docks to watch migrating jellyfish who are attracted to the light of a torch that Mayor Lewis lights. Talk to Mayor Lewis to begin the festival.

The festival ends automatically after watching the jellyfish.


Stardew Valley Fair

Main page: Stardew Valley Fair

The Stardew Valley Fair takes place on the 16th of Fall every year. You enter the fair by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 3pm. When you leave the festival, you will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

There are several games where you can gain Star Tokens, a currency that can be exchanged for prizes at the Shop near the entrance to the Bus Stop.

The Fair also has a Grange Display contest where you can show the products of the farm and gain Star Tokens. Talk to Mayor Lewis when you're ready to have the products judged. Items displayed in the Grange Display are returned, but not automatically.

During the Fair, you can eat Survival Burgers cooked by Gus north of Pierre's General Store for free.

The festival ends when you leave Pelican Town.

Vendor Items

Image Name Description Price
Dried Sunflowers Can be placed inside your house data-sort-value="100"> 100
Fedora A city-slicker's standard data-sort-value="500"> 500
Rarecrow Collect them all! (1 out of 8) data-sort-value="800"> 800
Stardrop A mysterious fruit that empowers those that eat it data-sort-value="2000"> 2 000


Booth Name Cost Description
Fishing Minigame data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros Play the Fishing Minigame to catch fish. Each caught fish gives (20) Points. A caught algae brings 1 points. You will get bonus points for perfect catches. This is the most cost effective way to earn Star Tokens. It is possible to make over data-sort-value="200"> 200 per data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros spent. You can play as many times as you want.
Slingshot Minigame data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros Shoot the targets with your Slingshot. Each target gives different points. At the end you get a point multiplier based on your accuracy. An accuracy of 100% provides a 4x multiplier. It is possible to win data-sort-value="250"> 250 per data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros spent. You can play as many times as you have money for.
Smashing Stone Free At the Smashing Stone you can test your strength by clicking the stone at the right moment when the bar hits the top or bottom. You can get data-sort-value="1"> 1 for hitting the top or bottom.
Token Seller data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros each Token At the Star Token Seller you can buy Star Tokens for data-sort-value="50"> 50 ouros each. This is the least cost effective way to earn tokens, but it is the quickest.
Clairvoyant Booth data-sort-value="100"> 100 ouros At the Clairvoyant Booth the Fortuneteller will tell you events from the future for data-sort-value="100"> 100 ouros once. This information are based on your friendship with the villagers. She will tell you something about events with two people from your social menu.
Spinning Wheel Varies At the Spinning Wheel you can bet your tokens on orange or green. It would seem Green is the most likely to win.

Spirit's Eve

Main page: Spirit's Eve

The Spirit's Eve festival takes place on the 27th of Fall every year. You enter the festival by entering Pelican Town between 10pm and 11:50pm. When you leave the festival, you will be returned to The Farm at 12am.

The festival features a maze where it is possible to obtain the Golden Pumpkin. Pierre has a shopping booth where you can purchase festive items including a Rarecrow #2, a Jack-O-Lantern, and the Jack-O-Lantern recipe.

The maze is located to the north of Pierre's festive shop. The maze has few dead ends and progresses in a nearly linear fashion. You have as much time as you need to navigate to the finish. Towards the end of the maze, in the northwest corner of the map, you must walk through a block of hedges to the left of a wooden sign with a question mark. Once through, you must go north through an open cavern and continue east to get to the Golden Pumpkin.

The festival ends when you leave Pelican Town.

Watch Spirit's Eve video.


Festival of Ice

Main page: Festival of Ice

The Festival of Ice takes place on the 8th of every Winter. You enter the festival by entering Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, you will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

At the festival there are ice sculptures and igloos set up. There's also an Ice Fishing Contest you can take part in along with Pam, Willy, and Elliott. Getting at least five fish in the first year will win you three tackles and a Sailor's Cap. In subsequent years, winning the contest will award data-sort-value="2000"> 2 000 ouros.

The festival ends after Mayor Lewis announces the winner of the Ice Fishing contest.

Feast of the Winter Star

Main page: Feast of the Winter Star

The Feast of the Winter Star takes place on the 25th of every Winter. You enter the festival by entering Pelican Town between 9am and 2pm. When the festival ends, you will be returned to The Farm at 10pm.

The main event of the Feast of the Winter Star is secret gift-giving. A random villager will be selected to give you a gift, and you are assigned a random villager to give a gift to. A week beforehand on the 18th, Mayor Lewis will send a letter telling you who your gift recipient is. You find out who is giving you a gift at the festival.

The festival ends after you receive your gift from your secret gift-giver.


Time passes differently on The Farm than inside farm buildings during festivals. This is most noticeable if the player has a shed/coop/barn full of Kegs or Preserves Jars, with one left outside to indicate when processing is done. The keg or preserves jar outside the building will advance processing time more quickly than those inside the building.