Diferenças entre edições de "Lewis"

Fonte: Stardew Valley Wiki
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Linha 7: Linha 7:
|favorites={{name|Autumn's Bounty|alt=Prato de outono}}{{name|Glazed Yams|alt=Inhames com cobertura}}{{name|Hot Pepper|alt=Enroladinhos de pimenta}}{{name|Vegetable Medley|alt=Mexido de legumes}}
|favorites={{name|Autumn's Bounty|alt=Prato de outono}}{{name|Glazed Yams|alt=Inhames com cobertura}}{{name|Hot Pepper|alt=Pimenta Quente}}{{name|Vegetable Medley|alt=Mexido de legumes}}
{{quote|Eu fui Prefeito de Pelican Town por mais de vinte anos! Ninguém nunca vai contra mim quando é hora de uma eleição. Gosto de pensar que isso significa que estou fazendo bem o meu trabalho. Eu gosto de ser prefeito.|Lewis}}'''Lewis''' é o prefeito da Vila Pelicanos. Junto com [[Robin]], ele cumprimenta quando você se muda para o Vale e explica um pouco sobre a vida na fazenda. Lewis é conhecido por ter algum tipo de relações com [[Marnie]], como os shorts que ele perdeu são encontrados em seu quarto. Bem como isso, uma nota pode ser encontrada em seu quarto no canto inferior esquerdo em uma prateleira debaixo de uma caneca de café, acredita-se ser de Marnie. A nota é assinada "-M"
{{quote|Eu fui Prefeito de Pelican Town por mais de vinte anos! Ninguém nunca vai contra mim quando é hora de uma eleição. Gosto de pensar que isso significa que estou fazendo bem o meu trabalho. Eu gosto de ser prefeito.|Lewis}}'''Lewis''' é o prefeito da Vila Pelicanos. Junto com [[Robin]], ele cumprimenta quando você se muda para o Vale e explica um pouco sobre a vida na fazenda. Lewis é conhecido por ter algum tipo de relações com [[Marnie]], como os shorts que ele perdeu são encontrados em seu quarto. Bem como isso, uma nota pode ser encontrada em seu quarto no canto inferior esquerdo em uma prateleira debaixo de uma caneca de café, acredita-se ser de Marnie. A nota é assinada "-M"

Revisão das 23h30min de 9 de julho de 2017

Robin building.png
“Ainda tenho muito trabalho a fazer”
— Robin

Tradução incompleta

Este artigo ou seção não foi completamente traduzido para o português. Você está convidado a ajudar na sua construção editando-o
Última edição por Glowfrer em 2017-07-09 23:30:11.


“Eu fui Prefeito de Pelican Town por mais de vinte anos! Ninguém nunca vai contra mim quando é hora de uma eleição. Gosto de pensar que isso significa que estou fazendo bem o meu trabalho. Eu gosto de ser prefeito.”
— Lewis

Lewis é o prefeito da Vila Pelicanos. Junto com Robin, ele cumprimenta quando você se muda para o Vale e explica um pouco sobre a vida na fazenda. Lewis é conhecido por ter algum tipo de relações com Marnie, como os shorts que ele perdeu são encontrados em seu quarto. Bem como isso, uma nota pode ser encontrada em seu quarto no canto inferior esquerdo em uma prateleira debaixo de uma caneca de café, acredita-se ser de Marnie. A nota é assinada "-M"

Quando um festival acontece, você receberá uma carta em seu correio de Lewis que lhe diz onde e quando ocorre, bem como quaisquer requisitos adicionais.


Spring.png Primavera


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and exits Manor
11:00 AM Walks into Local Shop (Willy's, Pierre's or Robin's)
4:00 PM Exits Local Shop
5:00 PM Enters Manor and stares at stove (Cooking?)
9:00 PM Moves from stove to Pelican Town Data Book
10:00 PM Heads to Bed


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and exits Manor.
10:10 AM Gardening in front of Manor
11:30 AM Stops gardening and heads towards Pierre's
12:20 PM Enters Pierre's
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's
4:50 PM Enters Manor and stares at stove (Cooking?)
9:00 PM Moves from stove to Pelican Town Data Book
10:00 PM Heads to Bed


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and exits Manor.
4:00 PM Leaves Marnie's house
5:00 PM Enters Manor for the rest of the day.


Time Location
12:00 PM Leaving house, headed to Community Center
12:30 PM In front of the tree located next to Harvey's Clinic
6:00 PM Arrives home and stands in kitchen.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and exits Manor
10:10 AM Gardening in front of Manor
11:40 AM Stops gardening and heads towards Pierre's
12:30 PM Stands outside of Clinic in front of tree
2:00 PM Moves to the fountain
9:30 PM In Stardrop Saloon
11:10 PM Comes back to Manor


Time Location
8:30 AM Stands in the kitchen of the Manor
10:00 AM Leaves the Manor and heads to the Blacksmith
11:00 AM Arrives at the Blacksmith
1:00 PM Leaves the Blacksmith and heads to the Museum
1:20 PM Arrives at the Museum
4:00 PM Leaves the Museum and heads home
4:40 PM Returns to the Manor and heads to bed


Time Location
11:00 AM Gardening in front of Manor.
12:30 PM Standing by the tree to the left of Harvey's Clinic.
4:30 PM Home
Summer.png Verão


Time Location
5:30 PM Inside home and stands in kitchen.


Time Location
4:00PM Leaves Pierre's General store to go home
4:40PM Arrives home and stands in kitchen.
10:00 PM Heads to bed.


Time Location
4:00 PM Leaves Marnie's house
5:00 PM Enters Manor.


Time Location
8:30 AM Standing in kitchen.
10:00 AM Walks outside to stand in his garden.
11:40 AM Walks to town square.
12:30 PM Stands in front of tree beside Harvey's.
2:00 PM Stands in front of bulletin board at Pierre's.
4:00 PM Walks home.


Time Location
4:00PM Standing by water fountain.
5:00PM Arrives at The Saloon.


Time Location
10:00AM Leaves Mayor's Manor.
10:50AM Collects business tax from Blacksmith.
1:20PM Arrives at Library.
4:50PM Returns to Manor (Cooking?).
9:00PM Looks at Pelican Town book in Manor.
10:00PM Goes to sleep.


Time Location
10:00 AM Leaves home.
10:10 AM Gardening in front of Manor
2:50 PM Standing on pier at The Beach.
4:50 PM Enters home.
8:00 PM Leaves The Saloon.
8:10 PM Arrives home.
Fall.png Outono


Time Location
8:30 AM At home, in the kitchen
10:00 AM Leaves the house; starts walking to the Carpenter's Shop
11:50 AM Arrives inside the Carpenter's Shop
4:00 PM Leaves to go home
4:50 PM At home, in the kitchen
9:00 PM At his desk at home
10:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
8:30 AM At home, in the kitchen
10:00 AM Gardening in front of Mayor's Manor
11:40 AM Leaves Manor
12:30 PM At the tree west of Harvey's Clinic
1:50 PM Starts walking toward Pierre's General Store
2:00 PM In front of Pierre's General Store
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's and heads home
4:30 PM At home, in the kitchen
8:00 PM At his desk at home
10:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
3:00 PM In front of Pierre's.
4:00 PM Leaves to go home.
4:40 PM Arrives at the Mayor's Manor/Home.


Time Location
12:30 PM Standing next to Harvey's Clinic
2:30 PM Standing by water fountain
6:00 PM In Stardrop Saloon
11:00 PM Walks home
11:30 PM Arrives at Manor


Time Location
8:30 AM At home, in the kitchen
10:00 AM Gardening in front of Mayor's Manor
11:30 AM Leaves Manor
12:30 PM At the tree west of Harvey's Clinic
1:50 PM Starts walking toward Pierre's General Store
2:00 PM In front of Pierre's General Store
4:00 PM Leaves Pierre's and heads home
4:30 PM At home, in the kitchen
8:00 PM At his desk at home
10:00 PM Goes to bed


Time Location
9:30 AM Gardens in front of Mayor's Manor.
11:00 AM Walks from Mayor's Manor to river near Leah's cabin.
1:30 PM Stands by river near Leah's cabin.
4:00 PM Walks from river to Mayor's Manor.
5:30 PM Inside Mayor's Manor.
10:00 PM Sleeps in Mayor's Manor bedroom.
Winter.png Inverno


Time Location
4:30 PM Leaves beach on way to his house


Time Location
8:30 AM Wakes up
10:00 AM Stands in front of house
10:40 AM Moves to front garden
11:40 AM Starts walking towards Pierre's General Store
12:20 PM Enters Pierre's General Store
4:00 PM Begins walking towards Mayor's Manor
4:40 PM Enters Mayor's Manor


Time Location
4:30 PM Enters Mayor's Manor


Time Location
2:20PM In front of Pierre's General Store
4:00 PM Moves to Mayor's Manor
4:30 PM Enters Mayor's Manor


Time Location
11:40 PM Moves from his garden to stand outside of Clinic in front of tree.
2:00 PM Moves to the fountain
5:50 PM Arrives at Saloon.


Time Location
2:30 PM In front of Pierre's General Store
5:00 PM Home


Time Location
9:00 AM Home in his kitchen
6:00 PM Home

Monday, Thursday (Community Center Restored)

Time Location
8:30 AM Wakes up
9:00 AM Gardening in front of Manor
9:40 AM Stops gardening and heads towards Community Center
11:40 AM Enters Community Center
2:00 PM Stands in the Vault Room in the Community Center


As nobody has challenged Lewis for his title of mayor in the twenty years he has held the position, we can assume he has a good relationship with everyone living in Pelican Town. He was apparently good friends with the player's grandfather; if the player speaks to him while he is at the Saloon, Lewis states that he will be having an extra drink in your grandfather's honour.

He has never been married and has no family, all he lives for is being mayor. He sometimes questions if it was worth it.

Lewis is particularly good friends with Marnie, as shown in one of the story quests (Mayor's Shorts). He can also sometimes be found inside Marnie's Ranch saying, "I'm just here to make sure all of Marnie's business needs are met." Additionally, one of the heart events pretty much confirms that they're in a relationship.


Página principal: Amizade
Veja também: Lista de Todos os Presentes

Você pode dar Lewis até dois presentes por semana (mais um no seu aniversário), o que vai aumentar ou diminuir sua amizade com você. Presentes no seu aniversário (Spring.png 7 Primavera) terão 8× o efeito e mostrará um diálogo especial.
Para presentes amados ou gostados, Lewis vai dizer

“Um presente de aniversário? É muita gentileza sua! Eu amo isso.”
“Você se lembrou do meu aniversário! Valeu. Isso é ótimo.”

Para presentes neutros, Lewis vai dizer

“Ah, um presente de aniversário! Valeu.”

Para presentes não gostados ou odiados, Lewis vai dizer

“Ah... É para o meu aniversário?... Valeu.”


“Wow, this is my favorite! Thank you!”
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Lewis Happy.png
Autumn's Bounty.png
Autumn's Bounty A taste of the season. Cooking Yam.png Inhame (1)Pumpkin.png Abóbora (1)
Glazed Yams.png
Glazed Yams Sweet and satisfying yummies. Cooking Yam.png Inhame (1)Sugar.png Açúcar (1)
Hot Pepper.png
Hot Pepper Fiery hot with a hint of sweetness. Farming - Summer
Vegetable Medley.png
Vegetable Medley This is very nutritious. Cooking Tomato.png Tomate (1)Beet.png Beterraba (1)


“Thanks, this is great!”
Image Name Description Source
Blueberry It's subtle and refreshing. Farming - Summer
Cactus Fruit.png
Cactus Fruit The sweet fruit of the prickly pear cactus. Foraging - Desert
Coconut A seed of the coconut palm. It has many culinary uses. Foraging - Desert


“That's very nice of you. Thanks.”
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Slightly nutty, with a good texture Foraging - Fall
Daffodil A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut That's one big hazelnut! Foraging - Fall
Leek A tasty relative of the onion. Foraging - Spring
Morel Sought after for its unique nutty flavor. Foraging - Fall
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom A rare mushroom found deep in caves. Foraging - The Mines
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam This little yam was hiding beneath the snow. Foraging - Winter
Winter Root.png
Winter Root A starchy tuber. Foraging - Winter


“Well, I guess it's the thought that counts...”
Image Name Description Source
Lewis Concerned.png
Salmonberry A spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest. Foraging
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish A spicy root found in the spring. Foraging - Spring


“This makes me sick. What a horrendous gift.”
Image Name Description Source
Lewis Annoyed.png
Holly The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration. Foraging - Winter
Quartz A clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines. Mining

Heart Events

Three Hearts

Three Hearts.png

After reaching 3 hearts with Lewis, he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Recipe Overlay.png
Spaghetti (Name),

Remember to eat healthy, or you won't have enough energy to work hard! I'm including one of my favorite recipes. Make sure to use ripe tomatoes!


Six Hearts

Six Hearts.png

Enter Pelican Town between 7 pm - 11pm on a sunny day.

Note: Only occurs if both Marnie and Lewis are at 6 hearts.

After entering into Pelican Town after 7PM, you will appear behind Lewis' house. Lewis and Marnie are talking by the river about making their romance public. Lewis says it would undermine his authority, while Marnie says he's too concerned for his job. In the end, Marnie says she'll keep their relationship a secret. Afterwards, you'll pop up and scare both Lewis and Marnie. Lewis asks you if you heard anything, and you are presented with a choice. If you choose to keep the secret, Lewis will thank you. If you say you'll tell everyone in town, Lewis will cry. Afterwards, Marnie will ask why you were behind the house, and your character will run away, leaving the two alone and confused.

No change in relationship occurs if you say you will keep the secret with Marnie or Lewis.

Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching 7 hearts with Lewis, he will send you a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Eggplant Parmesan.png
Recipe Overlay.png
Eggplant Parmesan (Name),

Remember to eat healthy, or you won't have enough energy to work hard! I'm including one of my favorite recipes. Make sure to use ripe tomatoes!

