
Revisão em 03h16min de 10 de fevereiro de 2023 por Ketric (discussão | contribs) (→‎Cartas padrão)

Cartas são mensagens enviadas para o jogador que podem ser lidas interagindo com a caixa de correio que está localizada na Fazenda e na Fazenda da Ilha Gengibre. Elas aparecem no início do dia na caixa de correio do jogador em dias específicos ou no dia seguinte ao cumprimento de certas condições. Cartas contêm recompensas, informações sobre a mecânica do jogo, dicas, avisos e elementos da história.

Fechar uma carta com um item sem coletá-lo automaticamente resultará em uma tentativa de colocá-lo no inventário, desde que o jogador tenha espaço suficiente nele. Caso contrário, um menu semelhante ao menu do baú de tesouro aparecerá, permitindo que o jogador libere espaço para o item. Dispensar este menu resultará na perda do item.

A maioria das cartas recebidas no correio serão adicionadas à aba de coleções. A aba não guarda avisos recebidos por desmaiar às 2 da manhã ou por saúde baixa. As cartas mostradas não incluem qualquer anexo que tenha vindo com a carta original, como receitas ou o nome do amigo secreto no Festival da Estrela Invernal.

Fundos especiais

Cartas recebidas da Sandy, do Feiticeiro e de Krobus estarão escritas em um fundo único e temático:


Cartas padrão

“Ainda tenho muito trabalho a fazer”
— Robin

Tradução incompleta

Este artigo ou seção não foi completamente traduzido para o português. Você está convidado a ajudar na sua construção editando-o
Última edição por Ketric em 2023-02-10 03:16:27.

Condição Remetente Carta Recompensa
Primavera 2, Ano 1


Oi, <jogador>!
Acabei de voltar de uma pesca. Você deveria passar na praia um dia desses.
Tenho algo para você.
Missão: À praia
Primavera 5, Ano 1


Estimados consumidores do Mercado Joja:
nossa equipe removeu o deslizamento de terra causado por nossas perfurações perto do lago da montanha. Gostaria de lembrá-los que nossas operações de perfuração são inteiramente legais (de acordo com a Emenda 61091 da Corporação Joja). A gestão responsável do meio-ambiente é nossa prioridade!

Pedimos desculpas por qualquer inconveniente que este incidente possa ter causado.
Como sempre, apreciamos o apoio prestado até aqui!

Representante de Satisfação do Consumidor Joja
Remoção do bloqueio na Montanha
Primavera 11, Ano 1


Acabei perdendo meu Machado favorito! Se você o encontrar, por favor me devolva assim que puder. Estou tendo um trabalhão aqui sem ele. Quem achar pode ficar com 250 ouros.
Missão: Machado perdido da Robin
Primavera 12


Prezado(a) <jogador>,
Amanhã vamos realizar o Festival do Ovo na praça da cidade.

Para participar, basta chegar entre 9 e 14 hrs.
Não perca a caçada de ovos anual!
-Prefeito Lewis
Primavera 15, Ano 1



Sei que você está começando sua vida de jardinagem, então decidi dar uma dica.

A maioria das plantas só cresce em uma estação. Quando chegar o verão, as plantas da primavera morrerão. Planeje com antecedência!

-Vovó Evelyn
Primavera 15, Ano 1


Espero que esteja se sentindo confortável em seu novo lar. Saiba que o meu armazém agora vende fertilizante! Por que você não aparece e compra algumas caixas?
  Fertilizante básico em estoque
Primavera 19, Ano 1


Colega <jogador>,
Tenho um pedido para você. Preciso de couve-flor fresca para uma receita que preciso preparar. Você poderia me trazer um pouco?
Missão: Pedido da Jodi
Primavera 23


Olá <jogador>,
Amanhã vamos nos reunir para a Dança das Flores.

Se encontrar um parceiro, poderá participar da dança também!
Há uma clareira depois do oeste da cidade em que poderemos dançar. Chegue entre 9 e 14 hrs se estiver interessado(a).
-Prefeito Lewis
Verão 3, Ano 1


Que vergonha... Perdi meus shorts roxos da sorte. Estou lhe contando porque confio em você.
Se encontrá-los, traga-os até mim DISCRETAMENTE. Pago bem.
-Prefeito Lewis
Missão: "Shorts" do Prefeito
Verão 10


Amanhã vamos nos reunir na praia para o Luau anual da Vila Pelicanos.

O destaque do evento é a festa americana da comunidade. Traga algo gostoso para contribuir!
O governador em pessoa virá ao evento, então esforce-se bastante.
Venha à praia entre as 9 e 14hrs.
-Prefeito Lewis.
Verão 14, Ano 1


Minha garganta está seca como um osso no deserto. Que vontade de beber uma cerveja pale ale! Tem uma? Cerveja comum não serve. Preciso de uma pale ale.
Missão: Pam está com sede
Verão 20, Ano 1


Estou reunindo dados sobre a correlação entre a alcalinidade do solo e os níveis de frutose em plantações. Resumindo: preciso de um melão fresco de sua fazenda. Se me trouxer um, ficarei muito grato.
Missão: Pesquisa de Plantações
Verão 25, Ano 1


Ao(À) fazendeiro(a) <jogador>:
Sabe o que me ajuda quando meu joelho está bichado?
Esfregar essa tranqueira com pimenta picante.
O problema é que estou sem no momento. Se você tiver um pouco para dividir comigo, agradeço.
Missão: Remédio de Joelho
Verão 28


Hoje, por volta das 10 horas da noite, um raro e lindo evento acontecerá.

As medusas-da-lua passarão pela Vila Pelicanos em uma longa jornada ao sul para passarem o inverno.

Vamos todos nos reunir na praia para assistir. Não perca!
Vejo você à noite,
Outono 3, Ano 1


Gostaria de dar um tratamento especial para minhas vacas. Elas são muito boazinhas e estão com muita fome. Você poderia me trazer um pouco de amaranto? Elas amam esse negócio.
Muito obrigado, meu anjo!
Missão: Agrado de Vaca
Outono 8, Ano 1


É temporada de mirtilos agora. Os arbustos estão cheio deles. Quero pegar alguns, mas perdi minha cesta. Você pode me ajudar?
Missão: Cesta de Mirtilos
Outono 9


Daqui a uma semana, organizaremos a Feira do Vale do Orvalho na praça da cidade!
É o maior evento do ano, atraindo pessoas de todo o país para a nossa humilde cidade.
Se quiser, você poderá mostrar suas habilidades no evento. Basta trazer 9 itens para demonstrar seus talentos. Você será julgado pela qualidade e diversidade do que mostrar.
A feira começa às 9 da manhã... não perca!
-Prefeito Lewis
Outono 15


Quero lembrar que a Feira do Vale do Orvalho começa amanhã.
Não se esqueça de trazer 9 itens para a mostra de granjas.
Lembre-se: a feira começa às 9 da manhã na praça da cidade. Vejo você lá!
-Prefeito Lewis
Outono 19, Ano 1


Gostaria de comprar uma abóbora de você. Minha filha e eu queremos esculpir uma cabeça de abóbora para a Véspera do Dia dos Espíritos.
Missão: Esculpindo Abóboras
Outono 26


O ar está mais frio ultimamente, não acha? Pode ser só a chegada do inverno...
Ou a aproximação de um espectro das trevas que aproximou para celebrar o festival de amanhã conosco... a Véspera dos Espíritos.
Venha à cidade às 10 se quiser participar.
-Prefeito Lewis
Inverno 2, Ano 1


Ei! Tenho um pequeno desafio para você.
Pegue uma lula para mim.
Você pode pescá-las no oceano, à noite. Elas só aparecem no inverno.
Missão: Caça à Lula
Inverno 2, Ano 1


Ei <jogador>,

Queria que soubesse de um novo item que estou usando... é um 'Triturador de Madeira'.

Você pode usar para quebrar madeira de lei em vários pedaços de madeira normal!

Eu sei que madeira é difícil de se conseguir no inverno, então se os suprimentos estiverem escassos, considere pegar um.
  Triturador de Madeira em estoque
Inverno 6, Ano 1


Tenho um pedido um pouco incomum. Você pode guardar segredo?
Preciso que você entregue uma ametista para a Emily. É a pedra preciosa favorita dela. Diga que é um presente meu.
Missão: Tentativa do Clint
Inverno 7


Olá, <jogador>,
Amanhã vamos nos reunir na frente da casa da Marnie para o Festival do Gelo.

É uma celebração do inverno... vai ter boneco de neve, esculturas de gelo, e uma competição de pesca no gelo!
Chegue entre 9 e 14 hrs se quiser participar.
-Prefeito Lewis
Inverno 12, Ano 1


Estou pesquisando a esquecida arte da adivinhação das trevas. Preciso de um item chamado de "Essência Nula". Traga-o até mim e você será recompensado.
-M. Rasmodeu, feiticeiro
Missão: Um reagente negro
Inverno 14


A partir de amanhã, uma frota de comerciantes chegará na Vila Pelicanos para participar do mercado noturno anual.

O mercado será aberto às 5pm e estará no porto pelos próximos três dias.

Por favor, visite a praia depois das 5pm para participar das comemorações. Vai ter café grátis!
Inverno 17, Ano 1


Desculpe incomodar novamente, mas preciso de outro favor.
Consegui um martelo novo e gostaria de testá-lo em vários metais.
Você poderia derreter uma barra de ferro e trazê-la até mim?
Missão: Um favor ao Clint
Inverno 18


Olá, <jogador>,
Gostaria de informá-lo(a) sobre um evento a seguir: O Festival da Estrela Polar. Este é um momento em que a comunidade se reúne e pensa sobre toda a boa sorte que tivemos este ano.
Uma tradição muito querida é o "amigo secreto aleatório", em que todos da cidade dão presentes para alguém escolhido aleatoriamente. No dia do festival, todos trazem um presente para um amigo secreto e os surpreendem com algo especial!
Neste ano, seu amigo secreto é:
Não diga a ninguém! O festival acontecerá no dia 25, das 10 as 14h na praça da cidade. Até lá!
-Prefeito Lewis
Inverno 21, Ano 1


Como você está? Espero que o inverno não tenha sido muito duro com você.
Enfim: estou escrevendo para pedir um pouco de madeira de lei. Preciso de uns 10 troncos, se tiver.
Se não tiver, sem problemas. Cuide-se!
Missão: Pedido da Robin
Inverno 24


Olá, <jogador>,
Amanhã é o Festival da Estrela Invernal.
Você arrumou o presente para seu amigo secreto... <amigosecreto>?
A festa começa às 9 da manhã na praça da cidade. Até lá!
-Prefeito Lewis
Inverno 26, Ano 1


Olá, <jogador>,
Gostaria de fazer um ensopado de peixe, mas preciso de uma albacora! Sei que a temporada delas está quase acabando... desculpe por avisar só agora. Você poderia pegar uma para mim?
Missão: Guisado de peixe
Primavera 1, Ano 2


Prezado(a) <jogador>,
Agora estou vendendo fertilizantes de melhor qualidade e novos tipos de sementes! Até breve.
  Fertilizante de qualidade em estoque
Primavera 1, Ano 2 Nota:

O preço dos materiais brutos na loja da Robin e na loja do Clint aumentou.
Primavera 6, Ano 2


Que vontade de comer um damasco fresco! Não consegui encontrar um no armazém, então estou fazendo este pedido a você. Pago bem por ele!
Missão: Frutas frescas
Primavera 15, Ano 2


Olá, <jogador>,
Gostaria de surpreender meu marido com um presente. Ele é um grande fã de alho-poró. Você pode me trazer um?
-Vovó Evelyn
Missão: Presente da vovó
Primavera 21, Ano 2


Aqui é o Pierre... Como eu quero um prato de sashimi! Vou pagar muito bem para quem me trouxer um pouco.
Missão: Bilhete do Pierre
Verão 6, Ano 2


Precisa-se de pescador
Preciso de um bom exemplar de baiacu. Estou conduzindo um experimento sobre a toxina emitida por ele.
Recompensa: 1000 ouros
Missão: Pesquisa aquática
Verão 15, Ano 2


Olá, <jogador>,
Gostaria de dar uma fruta-estrela para minha esposa no nosso aniversário de casamento. Você possui um pé delas em sua fazenda? Se me trouxer uma, ficarei muito grato.
Missão: Um soldado do caramba
Verão 21, Ano 2


preciso de óleo de trufas. Não me pergunte o motivo.
-Prefeito Lewis
Missão: Vontade do prefeito
Outono 6, Ano 2


Precisa-se: Uma lagosta fresca para uma maravilhosa sopa que estou fazendo.
Quem: Gus, proprietário da Taverna das Estrelas.
Recompensa: 800g
Missão: Precisa-se: Lagosta
Outono 19, Ano 2


Alguém tem uma pilha por aí? O controle da minha TV queimou, e é uma dor-de-cabeça incrível sair do sofá para mudar de estação.
Missão: Pam precisa de energia
Inverno 5, Ano 2


Estou criando um cajado encantado de poder fenomenal.
Entretanto, está faltando algo: uma Barra de Irídio.
Estou disposto a pagar 5x o valor de mercado por ela. Traga-a assim que puder.
-M. Rasmodeu, feiticeiro
Missão: Cajado do Poder
Winter 13, Y2


I've got another challenge for you: Catch me a Lingcod.
They don't go down easy, but I know you can do it.
Quest: Catch a Lingcod
Winter 19, Y2


Dear <player>,
I'm at my wit's end. I desperately want to make a Coco-no-no at the saloon, but I have no way of getting a coconut!
Can you help me?
Quest: Exotic Spirits
Received "Inventory Full" game notification


"I keep finding cool stuff, but my backpack is full!"

Does this sound like you? Well, Pierre's got you covered!

Stop by Pierre's General Store TODAY and check out our affordable size 24 backpack!
See you soon!
More than 100 stone gathered


Robin here!
I know there's a lot of stone scattered around your farm.
If you have a surplus, you might consider having me build a well for you.
Wells can be placed all over your farm, and serve as convenient places to refill your watering can.

Just swing by my shop with 75 stones and 1000g when you're ready for it.
Reached floor 5 in The Mines


I see you've been exploring the old mine. You've got the adventurer's spirit, that much I can tell.
If you can slay 10 slimes, you'll have earned your place in my adventurer's guild.
Be careful.-Marlon
Quest: Initiation
Examined golden scroll in the Community Center


My sources tell me you've been poking around inside the old community center.
Why don't you pay me a visit?
My chambers are west of the forest lake, in the stone tower. I may have information concerning your... 'rat problem'.
-M. Rasmodius, Wizard
Quest: Meet the Wizard
Acquired a cooking recipe


Dear Farmer <player>,

I'd like to apologize for joking about your Grandpa's old cottage when we first met. It's really a nice little house!

However, you might need some more space someday. That's where I can help. If you bring me some raw materials and pay a fee, I can expand your house.
(Continued on next page)

The first expansion I offer includes a kitchen. With a kitchen, you'll be able to cook any recipes you've learned!

Anyway, I hope you're starting to feel at home in Stardew Valley!

Your local carpenter,
  Fishing Level 2


I've got some new items in stock...
A deluxe fishing pole and some bait that you can attach to it!
You can use bait to make fish bite faster. Hope to see you soon!
  Vara de fibra de vidro in stock
  Fishing Level 6


Come by the shop and check out the new rods I'm selling.
They're the best money can buy... and you can customize them with different kinds of tackle!
Hope to see you soon!
  Vara de irídio in stock
Obtained Master Angler Achievement


Dear <player>,
Your angling skills surpass even my ol' Pappy's... I'm impressed.
This stardrop's been passed down from Willy Sr. to Willy Jr. for... oh, heck. Prob'ly a thousand years.
Seein' as I don't have any kids... I want you to have it.

data-sort-value="5000"> 5 000 ouros earned, male Mom Dear <player>,
How are you doing, sweety? I've missed you so much since you left. I hope the farming life is everything you hoped for.
Love, Mom.
P.S. I sent your favorite cookies <
data-sort-value="5000"> 5 000 ouros earned, female Dad Dear <player>,
Have you settled into your new life yet? I can't believe you're all grown up now... Time sure flies. Now that you're gone I have all this extra money laying around, so I included a little gift.
Love, Dad.
data-sort-value="500"> 500 ouros
data-sort-value="15000"> 15 000 ouros earned, male Mom Dear <player>,
It's been so long since I heard from you, dear. Things are the same as ever back home. I miss you very much.
Love, Mom
P.S. Found an envelope with some money Grandpa left for you.
data-sort-value="500"> 500 ouros
data-sort-value="15000"> 15 000 ouros earned, female Dad Dear <player>,
How is the country life going for you? It's been lonely here without you, but I'm proud of what you're doing.
Love, Dad
P.S. Found an envelope with some money Grandpa left for you.
data-sort-value="500"> 500 ouros
data-sort-value="27000"> 27 000 ouros earned Stardew Valley Tribune Greetings, <player>.
It is our pleasure to inform you that your farm will be featured in next week's 'up & coming' column of the Stardew Valley Tribune! Congratulations. We're impressed with your quick progress.
data-sort-value="32000"> 32 000 ouros earned, male Mom Dear <player>,
I saw an article about you in the local paper! It sounds like the country life is a good fit for you! I'm so proud of you. Take care, sweety. Love, Mom
data-sort-value="32000"> 32 000 ouros earned, female Dad Dear <player>,
I read an article about you in the local paper! I'm so impressed with your progress on the farm! Keep this up and dear old Dad might be retiring in a fern islands luxury bungalow after all ;).
Love, Dad
data-sort-value="120000"> 120 000 ouros earned, male Mom Dear <player>,
How are things going? You must really be making a fortune on that farm. Don't forget your dear old mother when you're a millionaire!
Love, Mom
P.S. Enjoy the cake!
  Bolo rosa
data-sort-value="120000"> 120 000 ouros earned, female Dad Dear <player>,
I know you're busy on the farm and that's why you can't visit. I understand. You've been working so hard... keep it up and you can accomplish anything!
Love, Dad
P.S. Included some quality stone
  Pedra (30)
Earned an achievement   Hat Mouse Hi.

Me sell hats. Okay, poke?

Come to old old old haus, poke. Bring coines.

-hat mouse
  Farming Level 10


I've got a new item in stock... It's called the "Auto-Grabber".

This thing can milk your cows and goats, shear your sheep, gather eggs, and pluck your wooly rabbits... all on its own!

It's considered a 'luxury item', so I'm charging 25,000g.

  Auto-Recolhedora in stock
Coop upgraded


Dear <player>,

Thank you for purchasing a coop upgrade! In addition to doubling the capacity of your coop, I've taken the liberty of installing an incubator.
To use the incubator, simply place an egg inside. If you have space left in your coop, the egg will hatch in several days!

As always, thanks for your business.
Enter the Skull Cavern

  Sr. Qi

I see you've entered the Skull Cavern. Well done.
I've got a better challenge for you, kid. Make it at least 25 levels deep. I've got a mountain of $ to send if you can do it.
Your friend, Mr. Qi
Quest: Qi's Challenge
Reach floor 25 in the Skull Cavern

  Sr. Qi

You did it.
I'm very impressed.
Enjoy your reward.
data-sort-value="10000"> 10 000 ouros
Completed the Bulletin Board


Dear <player>,
Everyone around town has been talking about your great generosity lately!
Apparently, packages have been appearing in people's houses containing items they posted about years ago on the community center bulletin! And the packages are all addressed from your farm!
Thanks for going out of your way to do something like that... all of us in town are delighted!
-Mayor Lewis
Non-datable villagers +2  
Community Center completed



Pierre's General Store is now open 7 days a week!
Pierre's General Store opens Wednesdays
Completed the Community Center or Joja Community Development Form



I've unlocked the back room of the shop.
Come by when you have a chance.
There's something I want to show you.

Access to Willy's Boat
Repaired Willy's Boat


Good news!

The ol' boat is seaworthy once again, thanks to you!

Stop by the back room whenever you want a ride.

My shop is now open at 8AM every day, so you can get an early start.

Access to Ginger Island
Fish Shop door unlocks at 8AM
Completed 10 Help Wanted Quests


I've heard you've been giving some people a hand around town! Everyone seems really thankful. I'm awarding you this month's "Best Neighbor" award (with a small cash prize). Keep it up!
data-sort-value="500"> 500 ouros
Completed 35 Help Wanted Quests


Dear <player>,
You've been such a help around town since you moved here... everyone keeps telling me all the wonderful things you've done for them! Please accept this thank-you prize.
data-sort-value="2500"> 2 500 ouros
Beat Journey of the Prairie King Prairie King Development Team Congratulations!!

You beat 'Journey Of The Prairie King', and were randomly selected in our exclusive winner's sweepstakes!
You've won a Prairie King Arcade System of your very own!
Now you can enjoy 'Journey Of The Prairie King' from the comfort of your own home.

You deserve it!
-Prairie King Development Team
  Arcade do Rei da Pradaria
Beat Junimo Kart Junimo Kart Development Team Congratulations!!

You beat all the levels in 'JunimoKart'... you're actually the first person in the entire Ferngill Republic to do so!
Your prize

a home version of Junimo Kart!

Have fun!
-Junimo Kart Development Team

  Arcade Júnimo Kart
Obtained all 8 Rarecrows Rarecrow Society Dear <player>,

Your dedication is truly impressive...

Only a select few manage to acquire the complete Rarecrow collection!

Please accept this blueprint to commemorate your achievement.
-The Z.C. Rarecrow Society
Blueprint:  Deluxe Scarecrow
Use of Item Recovery Service via the phone.


Found your lost item.

Be more careful next time!
<recovered item>
Lost an irreplacable tool


Dear <player>,
Someone dropped your tools into the lost and found bin last night.

Stop by the mayor's office to pick them up.

-Mayor Lewis
Placed Solid Gold Lewis in town



In the future, I'd appreciate it very much if you refrained from placing my PRIVATE belongings in town for all to see!

I'm very displeased!

Take this money and never speak of my 'project' to anyone.
data-sort-value="750"> 750 ouros
Passed out outside of home


Someone dropped you off at the clinic last night. You'd passed out from exhaustion!
You've got to take better care of yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
I've billed you  1-1000 to cover your medical expenses.

-Dr. Harvey
Passed out outside of home


Someone dropped you off at the clinic last night. You'd passed out from exhaustion!
You've got to take better care of yourself and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Since you have no money, I provided your medical care free of charge.

-Dr. Harvey
Passed out outside of home


You're lucky I found you last night! You were unconscious, and someone was searching your pockets. I have no idea how much money they took... they ran away as soon as I approached. Be more careful!

Passed out outside of home



Found you face-down in the mud during my 3:00 AM sweep.

You should try to make it home a little earlier next time!

Passed out outside of home


Dear Mr./Ms. <player>,
Last night, a Joja team member found you incapacitated. A medical team was dispatched to bring you home safely.
We're glad you're okay!

(You've been billed  1-1000 for this service)

Joja Customer Satisfaction Representative
Passed out outside of home


Dear Mr./Ms. <player>,
Last night, a Joja team member found you incapacitated. A medical team was dispatched to bring you home safely.
We're glad you're okay!

Since you have no money, we were obligated by law to provide this service free of charge.

Joja Customer Satisfaction Representative
Passed out on Ginger Island


Hi <player>,

Last night, I found you slumbering in the dark.
It wasn't a very safe place, so the bird friends air-lifted you to your bed.
Please be careful from now on.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.
Passed out on Ginger Island



You never showed up at the boat, so I went lookin' for ya.

Found you sprawled out in the dirt, with a couple o' parrots pulling gold out of your pockets!

Had to drag you all the way down to the boat. Me legs feel like two freshwater shrimp...
"Island Ingredients" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Lewis told me that you've been shipping a lot of ingredients from the island! It's great to have access to new produce... it really opens a whole new world of culinary possibilities!
I'm including a gift for you... some blueprints you might find useful.

Blueprint:  Painel Solar
"Cave Patrol" Special Order


Um, Hello...
Thanks for helping me clear out those monsters.

I'm not scared at all! ...But it should make the mines safer for everyone else... right?

Take this blueprint. (Hope it doesn't make me obsolete...)

-Clint, the blacksmith
Blueprint:  Esmagador de Geodos
"Cave Patrol" Special Order repetition


Um, Hello...
Thanks for helping me clear out more monsters.

Maybe next time, I'll take care of them myself... if I have time!

Take this item. I found it in the back room...

-Clint, the blacksmith
  Bombinha (10)  Bomba (5)  Parmesão com berinjela (3)
"Aquatic Overpopulation" / "Biome Balance" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Thanks for your help with the fish.
Nature is usually good at keeping things balanced, but sometimes artificial factors can cause an imbalance.

I've enclosed a blueprint from a science magazine that you might find interesting.

Blueprint:  Computador da Fazenda
"Rock Rejuvenation" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Thanks again for the wonderful gemstones.
These will be perfect for my energy re-alignment work!
I wanted to thank you with this special gift. I hope you create some wonderful items with it!

  Máquina de Costura
"Gifts for George" Special Order


Dear <player>,

Thank you so much for the leeks. They look fresh and delicious. George will love them.

Today, I'm going to surprise him with 12 little gift-wrapped treasures (thanks to you!). Stop by if you want to be there!


P.S. Please accept this gift. I think you'll enjoy it!
  Máquina de Café
"Fragments of the past" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Thanks for all the bones. I've got a lot to sort through here! To think, each fragment belonged to a living, breathing body from the past. Fascinating.

Please accept this unique crafting recipe as a thank-you gift!

Blueprint:  Moedor de Ossos
"Gus' Famous Omelet" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Thanks for the eggs.
The yolks look amazing... I think this will be my best omelet yet!

Please accept this gift.

"Crop Order" Special Order


I wanted to thank you for taking care of my special order. All of the hard work you've done has been a great boost to Pelican Town's image.
Here's a 'Mini-Shipping Bin' as a token of my appreciation.
Place it anywhere and I'll be sure to make a stop when I make my rounds.

  Mini Caixa de Remessas
"Community Cleanup" Special Order


Hi <player>,

Thanks for helping me clean up around the valley.
The waters are looking much cleaner. I think everyone will appreciate it. I know I will.
As a way of saying 'thanks', I wanted to teach you how to grow your own fiber. I hope it's useful.

Blueprint:  Sementes de Fibra
"The Strong Stuff" Special Order


Hey kid,

Thanks for the 'juice'. It definitely had a flavor.

By the way, have you ever tuned in to channel 736? It's a seasonal fishing program that you might find interesting.

Take care,
F.I.B.S. television channel
"Pierre's Prime Produce" Special Order


Dear <player>,

I guess people didn't take to 'Pierre's Prime Produce' like I'd hoped...

Anyways, here's my old 'Mini-Shipping Bin'.
The next time you get your hands on some produce worthy of the 'Pierre's Prime' luxury brand, maybe you could have them shipped my way?

  Mini Caixa de Remessas
"Robin's Resource Rush" Special Order


Hey <player>,

Congratulations on completing my little challenge. I'm impressed!

As an added bonus, I've included the blueprints for a new type of chest. Enjoy!


P.S. -- Now that you have all those resources laying around, why not swing by for some construction work?
Blueprint:  Baú de Pedra
"Juicy Bugs Wanted!" Special Order


Blueprint:  Boia de Qualidade
"Tropical Fish" Special Order



Congrats on a successful island fishing trip. I'm proud of ya!

Here, take this special fish tank. It'll make a great piece in your house.

  Aquário de Luxo
"A Curious Substance" Special Order


Thanks to the ectoplasm you delivered to me, I've made a major breakthrough in the field of arcane engineering.

Enclosed, you'll find blueprints for a most useful machine...

-M. Rasmodius, Wizard
Blueprint:  Mini Obelisco
"Prismatic Jelly" Special Order


The specimen you delivered offered great insight into the machinations of the fell beings we call 'monsters'.

I've formulated a pungent tincture that these beings find intoxicating. Use it with caution...

-M. Rasmodius, Wizard
Blueprint:  Almíscar de Monstro

Friendship letters

These are letters that are triggered by reaching a certain level of friendship or after completing Heart Events:

Unique letters

Condition Sender Letter Reward


Hi <player>.
One of these days you should come to my room after dark... Maybe around 8pm.
I want to show you something.


meet me at the saloon tonight after dark.
2   Event


Dear <player>,

Thanks for stopping by my sunroom yesterday. I usually drink tea alone, but it was fun to share with you!

I've enclosed instructions on how to prepare and grow your own tea. No pressure, but if you do end up growing some, make sure to bring me a cup!

Blueprint:  Broto de Chá


Dear <player>,
nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care,
Recipe:  Sopa de chirívia
Recipe:  Mexido de legumes


Well, I know a couple of recipes.
I thought I'd send you one... maybe it'll help you mine more ore or something.
Take care.
Recipe:  Sopa de alga
Recipe:  Pote de feijão


I wanted to say 'thanks' for taking an interest in my work. Here's a cooking recipe that I like.
Recipe:  Cogumelo frito
Recipe:  Prato de outono


I have great news... my novel is finished!! I'm giving a public reading this afternoon at the library. Hope to see you there!


Meet me at the docks on a sunny morning. I've got something in mind.
14   Event


<Player>, my love,

I've just arrived in Grampleton, to start the tour. I've forgotten how hectic the city is! The streets are packed with people... they either seem in a mad hurry, or lost in a daze, unaware of their surroundings. I miss Pelican Town already!

I begin the tour this evening, at a local bookstore. I must admit, I'm becoming a bit nervous at the thought of public speaking... my stomach feels as if it's been twisted into a soft pretzel and doused with spicy cheese dip. Wish me luck!

-Love, Elliott

P.S. I hope you had a peaceful night, and weren't too scared all alone in that big house!
14   Event


My dear <player>,

The first reading went well, though the audience was a bit smaller than I'd hoped. Still, I sold enough copies of the book to pay for my (bug-infested) hotel room!

In a few hours, I leave for Zuzu City. If yesterday's reading was a warm-up, this next one will be a true napalm blast...

I miss you very much. Remember to eat well! Oh, and don't forget the leftover crab cakes I put in the fridge...
-Love, Elliott
14   Event


My sweet <player>,

Last night in Zuzu City was quite the experience! It seems there's a large literary scene here... a few dozen people showed up at my reading!

I even signed a couple of autographs... it's strange to be seen as someone important. It's all a matter of framing, a grand illusion... for truly I am no one special. Only your devoted Elliott, as always.

Currently I'm alone, in my hotel room, 'ingesting' a Joja Value Meal...

Should this be called 'food'?
Or 'edible matter'?
I needn't long brood
It must be the latter

I look forward to returning home soon. Hope you enjoyed the crab cakes.

-Love, Elliott
14   Event


In dreams, when graced with lofty view
I gaze upon the sunlit sea
What distant shores I've travelled to
But time now clouds my memory

There is but one eternal place
Where I shall someday pass beyond
In Valley dear, where my love waits:
Our little home beside the pond

14   Event


My dear <player>,

I won't bore you with any more details about my readings. They are mostly the same.

I'm sure your time has been much more exciting! I can't wait to return and see what progress has been made.

On these long travels between towns, I amuse myself by closing my eyes and envisioning the farm... I see kegs pulsing with sweet wine, a furnace ablaze with precious ore, and our little kitchen with the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg. There's a lot to enjoy!

Just don't stay out too late in the mines, my love. It's dangerous in there! If you must go... bring plenty of food.

-Love, Elliott
14   Event


My dear <player>,

This will be my last letter before I return home. I've had a fine trip... though nothing too exciting. It's been nice to meet people who enjoy my work, but I'm eager to return home.

I look forward to the comfort of our little house, the satisfying farm work, a home-cooked meal, and most of all, cozying into the flannel sheets with you.

See you soon!
-Love, Elliott


Flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super-healthy meal!
You'll feel energized. See you soon.
Recipe:  Salada
Recipe:  Prato vermelho


I have this crazy new idea that I want to involve you in... It's called "Clothing Therapy".

Please come to the Mayor's house today to see what it's all about.

Love, Emily


Let's go camping!

Meet me in the secret woods after 10pm.

Love, Emily
10   Event


Thanks for joining me last night... I had a great time.
I'm actually glad that bear showed up!

See you soon

Love, Emily
4   Event


Dear <player>,
I usually don't give out my recipes... but since you've been such a sweetheart to George and I, I've written this one down for you.
Recipe:  Biscoitos
Recipe:  Pudim de arroz


Figured I'd give you this recipe I had laying around. Try not to burn it.
Recipe:  Enguia frita
Recipe:  Enguia picante


Dear <player>,
Here's a recipe from my saloon. I only share this with my good friends!
Recipe:  Molho de oxicoco
Recipe:  Jantar de salmão
8   Event


I thought it would be fun to write you a note.
I had so much fun with the cows yesterday... I'm starting to understand why you chose the farmer's life! Hope to see you soon.


I have a surprise for you. Meet me by the railroad tracks.


this recipe of mine won 1st place in a cooking competition! I hope you like it. Thanks for being a friend!
Recipe:  Lula frita
Recipe:  Sorvete


Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.
Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.

Recipe:  Achigã Crocante
Recipe:  Superprato


<Player>, I'm not sure how the human message system works, so I asked Wizard to help me write this letter.

I hope you are doing okay.

I wanted to share this with you... it's notes on how my people build a certain item.

Blueprint:  Placa Negra
8   Event


Dear <player>,
Thanks again for coming to my art show. It was such a success! I sold nearly all of my sculptures, and everyone was so positive and encouraging! I hope to see you again soon.


Here's a food from my home, that me and my family enjoy. Hope you like it.


P.S. Willy helped me write this.
Recipe:  Poi
Recipe:  Arroz Doce de Manga


remember to eat healthy, or you won't have enough energy to work hard! I'm including one of my favorite recipes. Make sure to use ripe tomatoes!
Recipe:  Espaguete
Recipe:  Parmesão com berinjela
A marriage candidate has 10+  


I'm going to give you this advice because I like you and I want you to stay in Pelican Town. If there comes a day that you want to ask for someone's hand in marriage, you'll need to give them a 'Mermaid's Pendant'. Don't worry, everyone in Pelican Town understands the significance of the amulet. It's an ancient tradition in this region. Good luck!


how are you doing? I've enclosed some instructions on how to make one of my favorite fish recipes.
Recipe:  Sashimi
Recipe:  Taco de peixe


Dear neighbor,
when I'm not taking care of animals I like to experiment in the kitchen. Since we've become friends I want to share some recipes with you.
I hope you like this!
Recipe:  Caldo pálido
Recipe:  Torta de ruibarbo


Hey Kid,
here's the recipe for a little treat my pappy used to make. Cook it slow.
Recipe:  Couve-flor com queijo
Recipe:  Recheio
4   Event


Sorry about what happened at my place yesterday... My mom can get into bad moods sometimes.
Please just forget it happened.


Meet me in the bath house after dark.


Here's the recipe for my famous blueberry tart.
Don't tell anyone! I'm giving it to you because we are such good friends.
Recipe:  Torta de Mirtilo
A marriage candidate has 8+  


It seems like you're starting to get close with some of the townspeople. If you want to show someone that you're romantically interested, you've got to give them one of my beautiful flower bouquets. I'm selling them now, for a very fair price! If you want to start a family someday, this is the first step!
  Buquê in stock


Dear <player>,
here is an old recipe that my grandma passed down to me. Enjoy!
Recipe:  Sopa de abóbora
8   Event


the show was a rockin' success! I wanted to say thanks again for all your help in creating this amazing band. We couldn't have done it without you!


meet me in front of my house tonight after dark.


Dear <player>,
I was so bored out here in the desert that I wrote you a letter. There's a recipe for a delicious soup enclosed. Come visit me soon!
Recipe:  Sopa Tom Kha


I found this recipe in a magazine and I thought it sounded interesting. Feel free to give me a taste if you make it. hehe.
Recipe:  Enroladinhos de pimenta
Recipe:  Pão estranho


Dear <player>,
I'd like to share an ol' cooking recipe my pappy used to make. It's important the fish is FRESH.
Recipe:  Sopa de peixe
Recipe:  Escargô
Recipe:  Guisado de peixe
Recipe:  Bisque de lagosta

Repeatable letters

At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship increases.

Sender Letter Reward


Dear <player>,
Here's a vegetable from the little garden I keep out back. You probably have more veggies than you know what to do with, but oh well.
  Couve-flor  Batata  Chirívia


Um, Hello...
Sorry, I'm not good at writing letters. I made one metal bar too many, and I thought you might need it.
-Clint, the blacksmith
  Barra de cobre  Barra de ferro  Barra de ouro


Dear <player>,
I was conducting a field study the other day, and I found this specimen.
I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
  Concha de náutilo  Concha arco-íris  Brema  Ametista


How are you doing? I hope you enjoy the gift I've sent you... Well, goodbye! +
  Ouriço-do-mar  Tecido 


Hello there, dear,I hope your farm is doing well.
I'm sending you a little something from my kitchen... I hope it didn't crumble in the mail.
  Pão  Bolo de chocolate  Biscoitos


Found some good quality stone.
Maybe you can build with it or something.
  Pedra (35)


I made you a little treat this morning in the saloon. Dig in!
-Your friend, Gus
  Espaguete  Taco de peixe  Panquecas  Espaguete  Pote de feijão  Mexido de legumes  Omelete  Peixe cozido


Dear <player>,
I ordered too much fertilizer for the garden!! I bet you can put it to some good use. Take care!
  Fertilizante básico (5)  Fertilizante de qualidade (5)  Solo retentor (5)


Hello, <player>.
This item was collecting dust in the toolshed. I figured you might be able to use it.
  Bombinha  Bomba  Megabomba  Conjunto de pilhas


I'm really glad you've become part of our community! I've enclosed a 500g check from the Stardew Valley Agricultural Fund to help you continue your good work.
Maybe you can buy some more seeds with it.
Sincerely, Mr. Lewis
data-sort-value="500"> 500 ouros


Hello, friend.
The mountain lake has been kind to me lately. I'd like to share my good fortune with you.
  Achigã  Bagre  Lula frita  Sashimi  Rolinhos de arroz


Dear <player>,
You're such a good neighbor I thought I'd send over some animal feed to make your job easier. Keep it up!
  Palha (30)


I found this in a drawer somewhere. Thought you could use it.
  Cerveja  Tônico de energia  Conjunto de pilhas


Dear valued customer,
Thanks for visiting 'Pierre's'! Enclosed is your 'Cash-back Rewards Program' rebate. See you soon!
P.S. Sorry for the stock message, <player>. Enjoy!
data-sort-value="250"> 250 ouros-data-sort-value="600"> 600 ouros


Hey there!
I had some extra wood lying around... I thought maybe you could use it. Take care!
  Madeira (50)


Greetings from Calico Desert!
Come visit me soon, I'm really bored out here :(. I've included a gift from the desert. You can come and thank me in person!
  Coco  Fruto do cacto  Sopa Tom Kha


I thought it would be fun to send you a letter. I don't really know what to write, though.
Here, I've enclosed a treat for you. Don't tell anyone, but I snagged this from the back room of JojaMart ages ago.
Okay, see you soon.
  Enroladinhos de pimenta  Pizza


Greetings, young adept.
I have enclosed in this package an item of arcane significance. Use it wisely.
-M. Rasmodius, Wizard
  Cogumelo roxo  Quartzo de fogo  Lágrima congelada  Jade

Letters between Villagers

These letters are not addressed to the player and thus don't appear in the mailbox. They can be read by interacting with them at the homes of the Villagers. They provide further background information on the characters and are not stored in the collection tab.

Location Sender Letter

  Clint (room)


Dear Emily,
I know you only think of me as a friend.
It's my fault. I'm too shy. I'll never have the courage to tell you the truth.
That's why I'm writing this letter to myself that I'll certainly crumple up and toss in the corner.

  Emily (kitchen)


Parents To our beloved girls:
We miss you and hope that you are doing okay on your own. We just left the Fern Islands last night, after staying for two months.
It was a wonderful experience... highly recommended.
Make sure you eat healthy and don't forget to pay the electricity bill!

Love, Mom & Dad

  Evelyn (room)

Clara Momma-
If you're reading this, it means I've passed on. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Know that I love you both.
Don't be too upset, I'm with Yoba now.
My final request: take care of Alex. He needs a family, something stable. He's a good kid.

  Jodi (living room)


--Report Card--
Name: Vincent

Reading: C
Spelling: D
Math: C
Social Studies: B-
Art: B-

Note:Vince is a good boy, but he could make do with a little more studying!

  Jodi (room)


Since I'll be coming home soon I want to tell you a few things.
I might not be the same man you remember. I've seen some things out here that have really shaken me up. I've been having a real hard time relaxing.
I don't want to scare you or make you upset. I just don't want you to be shocked when I get back.
Remember, no matter how I act, you and the kids mean everything to me.
I'll see you soon.

  Lewis (room)


Won't you come by tomorrow night?
If you come through the back window no one will notice.
I'd like to see you more often.
I know you're busy but can't you make time for me?
I hope to see you tomorrow.

  Pierre (kitchen)


To Mr. Pierre:
It pains me to be the bearer of bad news, but I feel obligated to inform you of a recent development most threatening to your livelihood.
Joja Co. has decided to expand into Pelican Town.
It's too late for protest. Joja Builders have already broken ground for the new JojaMart.

This must be devastating news for you. So many years in business...a local standby... and now, obscured by the shadow of a powerful, efficient, economically viable corporation. What a shame!

As manager of the new JojaMart, I feel, to some degree, personally responsible for your predicament. As such, I'd like to offer you a position as Assistant Grocer. Wages start at 5g an hour. I look forward to seeing your resume!

-Mr. Morris, Manager
Pelican Town JojaMart

Unimplemented letters

There are several unimplemented letters to be found in Data/Mail.xnb:

Unimplemented letters
Sender Letter Reward


Dear <player>,
the shipping tax passed. As of today, a 3% tax will be deducted from all your shipping profits. The reduced fee for public services is also in effect. See you soon!


Dear <player>,
the shipping tax was rejected. Your shipping profits will remain as they are. Fees for public services will remain the same as well. See you soon.


I am pleased to announce that you've been chosen as "Neighbor of the year"! That comes with a 10,000g prize! Congratulations! Everyone in town wants to say 'thanks' for all you've done.


it's time for the quarterly Stardew Hero rankings! I've enclosed them in a separate envelope. Good luck this season!
-The Mayor


Dear <player>,
You've proven your ability to raise chickens, so I'm now selling ducks at my shop!
  Pato in stock


Dear <player>,
I now have rabbits in the animal shop! They will provide you with fluffy wool ...and more!
  Coelho in stock


Dear <player>,
You've proven your ability to raise cows, so I'm now selling sheep at my shop!
  Ovelha in stock


Dear <player>,
I now have goats available for purchase at the animal shop. You've done well so far!
  Cabra in stock


Dear <player>,
You've come a long way since you first arrived. As a result, I've decided to start selling pigs at my shop. These pigs are trained at finding gourmet truffles!
  Porco in stock
Ferngill Adoption Agency Dear <player> and spouse,
Congratulations! Your adoption application has been approved.
We're working hard to choose the perfect baby to match your profile.
Your new family member will arrive in 2 weeks.

-Ferngill Adoption Agency
Secret Message: If you can reach the bottom of the mines one more time, a secret awaits you. Be careful, the mines have become more dangerous.


  • 1.1: New mail messages after the player passes out from exhaustion or dies.
  • 1.3.27: Added different stationery for letters from Sandy and the Wizard.
  • 1.4: Each player now has a separate mailbox. Adjusted the mail received after collapsing to more accurately reflect timeline changes in the game. Added ability to reread received letters anytime via the collections tab. Dismissing a letter with unclaimed items now automatically picks up the items.
  • 1.4.4: The game now re-issues the player the Qi’s Challenge quest if they had previously opened the mail, but dismissed it without accepting the quest.
  • 1.4.5: Fixed the Lewis statue letter not granting its reward in the Simplified Chinese localization.
  • 1.5: Added mail from Krobus with his own stationary.
  • 1.5.4: Items requested to be recovered are now removed from the mailbox once the quest expires.